Family VIP - Women’s Refuge - Hastings


Hastings Women's Refuge is an arm of Family Violence Intervention & Prevention Charitable Trust (Family VIP Services) which supports Hawke's Bay families to live free from violence.

We provide confidential services to women, men, children and our community; tailored to every individual's needs.

Should you, or someone you know, need support, advice or general information, please contact one of our advocates via 0800 REFUGE (733843)

Whether you are female, male, non-binary, a member of the rainbow community/Takatapui, regardless of your age, ethnicity or your personal circumstances we are here to help you.


Hastings Women's Refuge has Whānau Support Advocates to work with you in the community, our Residential Kaimahi support women and children residing in our Safe Houses and we also have Kaiako who deliver the safety education programmes.

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

Most of our services are free and won't cost you anything.  Please discuss with us to see how we may help you with any fees which may apply.


12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

Mon – Sun midnight – midnight

You can call our Crisis / Support Line 24 hours a day on 0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843)

Office hours:

Monday to Friday 8:30 - 17:00. Staff appointments can be made during these times.

Languages Spoken

Māori, English

Services Provided

Abuse and violence support
LGBTQIA+ support
Social work
Social services crisis assessment

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Speak with women / wahine, Child / Tamariki friendly, Phone, LGBTQIA+ friendly


Hawkes Bay