Rheumatology | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

Street Address

Middlemore Hospital
Hospital Road

Contact Details

Phone (09) 276 0000

Patient Enquiries: (09) 276 5004
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799

Manukau SuperClinicâ„¢ Call Centre receives all outpatient enquiries. Ph (09) 277 1660. The call centre is open 8.30am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday.


This is a syndrome of widespread aches, pains and fatigue. There may be morning stiffness and sleep problems. The diagnosis is made on the history of the pain and accompanying symptoms as well as the presence of tender points at specific sites on the body. There are a number of different theories and reasons for this condition. There will often be blood tests and maybe x-rays to exclude other diagnoses. Treatment involves pain killers, exercises, rest and sometimes antidepressant medication. For more information see Arthritis New Zealand's website.
