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Community Services - Adult | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

Public Service, Community

ALLIED HEALTH SERVICES - Community Rehabilitation Service (CoRe)

The Community Rehabilitation Service is a home based or clinic rehabilitation service for all age adults following a stroke or an acute event.

Rehabilitation aims to maximise the benefits of recovery as well as assisting to compensate for any persisting difficulties.

The team is coordinated by a nurse and can include a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech & language therapist, psychologist, rehabilitation technical instructor and a therapy assistant.

 Early Supported Discharge

Early Supported Discharge is for patients with intensive therapy needs who have recently been discharged from hospital. It is an intensive, home-based rehabilitation service for patients with mild to moderate disability who require rehabilitation focused visits at least daily. The service is for stable patients and helps to ensure rehabilitation is delivered at home, reducing the need to be in hospital unless medically necessary.

Our aim:

To work in partnership with the client within their home and community to:

  • Identify and work towards personal goals
  • Return to work goals
  • Develop support strategies for the client and their caregivers
  • Develop links with community support networks, e.g. Stroke Foundation


What to expect

An initial multidisciplinary focused assessment to identify goals and disciplines that may be required.

An individual’s plans and goals are reviewed regularly during the rehabilitation period.

If long term needs and supports are identified, the appropriate referrals are made prior to discharge. A discharge letter is sent to the client and GP.


Contact Details

Phone: 0800 631 1234



How long is the rehabilitation programme?

The programme runs between 4-12 weeks.


Do I attend an outpatient clinic?

If you cannot access our clinic, we can see you in your home.

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This page was last updated at 3:06PM on July 6, 2024.