Child Development Service - Southland | Southern | Te Whatu Ora

Southland Hospital, Invercargill

Contact Details

Phone (03) 218 1949 ext 8495
Fax (03) 214 5779

Ground Floor (Therapy Services Department)

Postal Address

Southland Hospital
PO Box 828
Invercargill 9840


Formerly Southern DHB Child Development Service - Southland

Child Development Services are a team of allied health professionals who provide a full range of developmental services in the community or hospital setting for children aged between 0 and 16 years and their family/whānau. The focus is on early intervention for pre-school children.

A service is provided for children who have an intellectual, sensory or physical disability that is likely to last longer than 6 months and for children who are at risk of developing such a disability.

The service provides specialist assessment and intervention services to help each child achieve their potential.


Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM