
Community Health and Social Services >

Whitīki Tauā

Social Service


9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


Whītiki Tauā is a FREE virtual mentoring support service. It connects you to a dedicated person who you can have regular chats with, via phone or video call.

You can join Whītiki Tauā:

  • if you're in the Mana in Mahi programme
  • or you're 18-24 years old and on a Work and Income benefit
  • or you're 18-24 years old and have recently come off a benefit to start work or study 

A mentor cares about you and your wellbeing, and is there for you when you need them. A mentor can help you:

  • Grow your self-esteem and confidence
  • Work through tough situations
  • Set goals and achieve them
  • Work out what career or education you would like
  • Celebrate your successes

To sign up or for more infomation visit Whītiki Tauā or call 0800 089 898

Powered by Whakarongorau Aotearoa // New Zealand Telehealth Services


Youth / Rangatahi

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Call us Whītiki Tauā on 0800 089 898 or sign up at Whītiki Tauā (whitikitaua.nz)

Website / App

Fees and Charges Categorisation



9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sessions are available Monday-Friday 11.00am-8.00pm

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb). Open Buller Anniversary (3 Feb), Taranaki Anniversary (10 Mar), Otago Anniversary (24 Mar), Southland Anniversary (22 Apr), South Canterbury Anniversary (22 Sep), Hawke's Bay Anniversary (24 Oct), Marlborough Anniversary (3 Nov), Canterbury Anniversary (14 Nov), Westland Anniversary (1 Dec), Chatham Island Anniversary (1 Dec), Wellington Anniversary (19 Jan), Northland Anniversary (26 Jan), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Nelson Anniversary (2 Feb).

Services Provided

Youth mentoring / development

A mentor is a consistent, reliable, non-judgemental person to kōrero with, ask questions and get guidance from. You can talk to them about anything you want to - perhaps you’re feeling unsure of what direction to take or facing challenges with friends, whānau, work or life in general. Whītiki Tauā means ‘we’ve got your back'. A mentor is a consistent, reliable, non-judgemental person to kōrero with, ask questions and get guidance from. You can talk to them about anything you want to - perhaps you’re feeling unsure of what direction to take or facing challenges with friends, whānau, work or life in general. Whītiki Tauā means ‘we’ve got your back'.

A mentor is a consistent, reliable, non-judgemental person to kōrero with, ask questions and get guidance from. You can talk to them about anything you want to - perhaps you’re feeling unsure of what direction to take or facing challenges with friends, whānau, work or life in general. Whītiki Tauā means ‘we’ve got your back'.

Online Booking URL

Document Downloads

Contact Details

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

This page was last updated at 4:13PM on December 10, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Whitīki Tauā.