Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance (EBPHA) - Community Nursing

Services Provided

Maternal Child and Youth Dietitian

The Dietitian works with clients and their whānau to provide support and information to help them achieve and maintain a healthy body weight and lifestyle. Services the Dietitian can provide include individual consultations about:

  • Healthy eating information for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, infants, children, teenagers and whānau
  • Introducing solids for infants
  • Weight management for those with a BMI >25 or >85th percentile

Tailored information sessions:

  • For school groups, early childhood centres, community, parent & whānau groups, general practices, or any group or organisation interested in child and maternal nutrition
  • We can discuss any of the following: healthy eating during pregnancy and breastfeeding, infants transitioning to solids, lunchbox, snack and meal ideas, label reading, weight management, how to set healthy eating goals and how to achieve them

Who can use this service?

To find out if you or your client can use this service, referral criteria is included in the Maternal Child and Youth Dietitian Referral Form

Maternal Child and Youth Dietitian
Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance
5 Louvain Street, Whakatāne 3120
P. (07) 306 2350
M. 021 447 312
F. (07) 306 2399


Adult Dietititian

The Adult Dietitian is available to support individuals and groups with Diabetes, heart health, respiratory illnesses and weight management.

Who can use this service?

To find out if you or your client can use this service, see the Referral Criteria Document.


Community Adult Dietitian
Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance
5 Louvain Street, Whakatāne 3120
P. (07) 306 2324
M. 021 501 257
F. (07) 306 2399
