Amin Roberts - Paediatric Gastroenterologist

Postal Address

PO Box 99354
Auckland 1149

Contact Details

Phone (09) 638 9945
Fax (09) 638 9947
Healthlink EDI: akmdspec

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Gastroscopy (aka Upper GI Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy allows examination of the upper part of the digestive tract i.e. oesophagus (food pipe), stomach and duodenum (top section of the small intestine), by passing a gastroscope (long, flexible tube with a camera on the end) through the mouth and down the digestive tract. Images from the camera are displayed on a television monitor. Sometimes a small tissue sample (biopsy) will need to be taken during the procedure for later examination at a laboratory. Sometimes, there is temporary throat discomfort after the procedure. It is rare that there are serious complications.

Gastroscopy may be used to diagnose coeliac disease, stomach or bowel ulcers, tumours, gastritis etc.

All procedures are conducted under sedation by a paediatric anaesthetist.