Starship Paediatric Radiology

Street Address

Level One
Starship Hospital
Auckland 1023

Postal Address

Department of Paediatric Radiology
Starship Children's Health
Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Contact Details

Phone (09) 307 2836 - Reception


If there is a tract or connection from the skin into the body caused by infection, or created by surgery, it may be necessary to outline the tract with contrast - the same iodinated contrast medium that is used in vascular studies - before treatment or further surgery is performed.

A small catheter is placed into the hole in the skin and a clear fluid, which is visible on x-ray images, is injected into the tract. This is done with fluoroscopy (screening) so that images can be taken, and the child moved into different positions to outline the tract and the organ(s) with which it communicates.

Typically, no preparation is needed for this examination.