Dr Lissa Judd - Wellington Dermatologist & Occupational Medicine Specialist

Street Address

Shop 6, 107A Mana Esplanade

Postal Address

Anwyl Specialist Medical Centre
Shop 6, 107A Mana Esplanade
Wellington 5026

Contact Details

Phone (04) 233 8584
Fax (04) 233 1497
Email admin@anwylmedical.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: anwylspm

Phone the above number for appointments at all clinics.

Consultation for acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions

There are literally thousands of skin diseases. A large part of a dermatologist's role is the diagnosis of rashes, lumps, spots, and skin blemishes of all descriptions (and also abnormalities of hair and nails). Once a diagnosis is made, then advice can be given about the nature and prognosis of the condition, and the kinds of treatment that are available.

Information on conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, keratosis pilaris, lichen planus, folliculitis, scabies, pemphigoid, alopecia areata, fungal infections, tinea versicolor (to name just a very few) are available on numerous internet sites. The New Zealand Dermatological Society website http://www.dermnet.org.nz is an excellent source of information, as is the emedicine site http://www.emedicine.com/specialties.htm.
