Women's Health - Gynaecology | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai | Te Whatu Ora

Postal Address

National Women’s Health
Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Contact Details

Phone 0800 496 232
Email gynaeoutpatientscheduling@adhb.govt.nz

Send referrals to centralreferrals@adhb.govt.nz.


Gynaecology outpatients GCC gynaeoutpatientscheduling@adhb.govt.nz

WAU Gynaecology WAUgynae@adhb.govt.nz

Ward 97 Gynaecology ward97nurse@adhb.govt.nz (not always monitored)

Sterilisation Reversal

Couples presenting with sterilisation reversal requests need to undergo standard scoring to determine their eligibility for publicly funded treatment. Any woman is able to present for assessment for a private sterilisation reversal. It is now often technically possible to have keyhole surgery to reverse female sterilisation.
