Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

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Abortion Services

Abortion, Counties Manukau Health

On 24 March 2020 changes were made to the law to decriminalise abortion, better align the regulation of abortion services with other health services and modernise the legal framework for abortion services in New Zealand.

We understand that unplanned pregnancies happen and that every woman has the right to choose for herself how to deal with the situation. Many factors may influence your decision whether to continue your pregnancy. Your values, beliefs, previous life experiences, society's attitudes, spirituality and cultural perspectives will all impact on your choice but within the legal framework the decision is yours and we are here to help and support you with your decision.

Your options include:

Supporting you

We know it can be hard to make a decision about what to do and we are here to provide help. Support is available should you wish to explore feelings and issues related to an unplanned pregnancy and the options available to you. Should you wish to explore an abortion, the services available vary according to how pregnant you are.

Information about pregnancy options, including where to access abortion services, can be found on the DECIDE website – www.decide.org.nz

You can also call freephone 0800 DECIDE (0800 332 433) to speak to a trained health professional. They can give you information about your options or help you arrange in-person care.

Otherwise the local options available vary according to how far on you are in your pregnancy as below:

Abortion services are staffed by a multidisciplinary team of nurses, doctors, social workers and administrative staff.  Privacy and your health information is protected in accordance with the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.

First trimester services (up to 12 weeks and 6 days)

Self-referral: Email EDU with your name, date of birth, NHI number (if known) and safe contact details at 

Call: 09 631 0740, you may have to leave a message with the above information.

Visit: either your GP or Family Planning Clinic.  They can then refer you.

Second trimester services (13 or more weeks pregnant)

If you are 13 or more weeks pregnant, please contact Middlemore Hospital by:

Self-referral: Email us with your name, date of birth, NHI number (if known) and safe contact details at

Call: 0800 877 887 to leave a message and safe contact details with the above information.

Visit either your GP or Family Planning Clinic and they can then refer you.
