Dr Paul Le Grice - Auckland Skin & Laser Centre

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Skin Peels

What is a skin peel?

Chemical peeling is a technique which has been used for centuries to rejuvenate the skin and to remove various types of skin blemishes.  The technique involves the application of natural acids of a variety of types and strengths to gently injure the skin layers, thereby encouraging renewal of these layers with skin of a better quality.

The hydroxy acids have become accepted in dermatology as useful agents in producing a superficial chemical peel.  The hydroxy acids are organic acids derived from a variety of natural products and are mild enough to be used to produce rejuvenation of the superficial skin layers.  However, the depth of penetration of the skin by any of these acids depends upon the strength used and length of time for which it is applied to the skin.  In a suitably weak formulation, repeated application of a hydroxy acid is able to produce beneficial effects by treating the signs of more superficial and milder skin damage and acne.

A peel revitalises the appearance of your skin, often making the skin smoother and more radiant. The skin peel is sometimes used on other parts of the body, including the neck and hands. People undergo skin peels for a variety of reasons.

At Auckland Skin Laser Centre, we offer a range of fruit acid peels to address several skin concerns.  Skin peels performed at the  Auckland Skin Laser Centre vary in strength depending upon the patient’s skin and degree of damage. Additional products may be recommended for use at home.


What kind of conditions can skin peels help?

Peels are often used to treat:


How long does the procedure take and how will it affect my skin?

The procedure takes 15 – 30 minutes depending on the type of peel.

Once activated the peel may feel a bit prickly and will warm the skin. There may be some mild discomfort with the stronger peels. Your skin may start to feel tight. You will have a “glow” immediately afterwards. You may put make-up on and return to work or daily activities.

Your skin may start peeling / flaking on day two and this may last for a few days depending on the strength of the peel. Some of the gentler procedures give little or no skin flaking or visible peeling.

After the series of peels, you may continue using any prescribed creams or ‘at home’ products.  In fact, some prescribed products and the peeling products used together can give tremendous improvement in your skin.

You should use a recommended SPF30+ sunscreen every day to assist the products to “break up” any brownish discolorations.  These peels may make your skin sun sensitive and depending on the type of peel prescribed, may be able to be used in pregnancy or where pregnancy is contemplated.


How long will the treatment last?

Most people see a gradual and continual improvement after their first treatment. The total number of treatments varies depending on the condition of your skin. Most patients see improvement with 6 peels, but some need more.  Many patients get a peel every two weeks for six treatments, and then once a month to keep the improvement at the maximum.  The products you use at home maintain and accelerate the benefits of the office peels.

When considering skin peels, it is important to discuss your concerns with the specialists at the Auckland Skin Laser Centre to determine which peel is right for you.
