North Shore Hospital Maternity Services | Waitematā | Te Whatu Ora

Contact Details

Antenatal Clinic: ph (09) 486 8920 ext 43393
Pregnancy and Parenting Education
Click here for information and to register for:
- Pregnancy & Parenting courses
- Breastfeeding classes
Alternatively please phone or text Barbara Taylor on 021 784 265

Birthing Suite: (09) 486 8920 ext 42898
Maternity Suite: (09) 486 8920 ext 42848
Early Pregnancy Clinic: 021 243 9729

COVID-19 Information for women

This is an anxious time for women and families expecting a baby. Here is some information that may help you to understand how Covid-19 may affect pregnant women. Information and advice is updated as new research is available.

These links are also reliable sources of information for women and their whānau:

Ministry of Health:

NZ College of Midwives:

Healthline: 0800 611 116