Dr Andrew Baker - Immunologist and Allergy Specialist - North Shore Auckland

Contact Details

Phone (09) 441 2750
Email consult@wsurg.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: waitemas

For appointments, a referral from your GP is required

Do I need an Epipen® or Anapen®?

Dr Andrew Baker Allergy Specialist Immunologist Auckland

Epipen®  and Anapen® patient information                      
EpiPen® and Anapen® Auto-injectors are for emergency use in anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) for people with a history of anaphylaxis.

About EpiPen
® and Anapen®
These are single use, disposable, spring loaded injections that contain 0.3mg adrenaline which counteracts the effects of a severe allergic reaction and can be life saving. They are designed as emergency supportive therapy only and are not a replacement or substitute for emergency medical or hospital care.

We will show you how to use the Epipen® or Anapen® and give you a practice. They have pictures on them which show:

When should I use my Anapen
® or EpiPen®?
This information is to be read alongside your Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) action plan for anaphylaxis which is your personal plan and tells you what to do if you are having a reaction and when to use your EpiPen®. A blank action plan can be downloaded from http://www.allergy.org.au/health-professionals/anaphylaxis-resources/ascia-action-plan-for-anaphylaxis


How to use an EpiPen® or Anapen®


 What should I do then?
If you have just given yourself the injection you should:


Dispose of the Anapen® or EpiPen® by putting it back the plastic holder.


Advice on funding and cost


Epipen Anapen® maintenance and travelling
