Birthing and Assessment (B & A) | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

Vaginal Birth after Caesarean

Vaginal birth after caesarean or VBAC is when one of your previous babies was born by caesarean but with this baby you plan a normal vaginal birth. Many women go on to have a normal birth.

In your pregnancy one of our specialists will look at why you had the caesarean and advise you if it is a good idea to have a vaginal birth. For some women it is safer to have another caesarean.

The risk with a VBAC is that the old scar on the lower segment of your uterus may start to open. If this happens you will have a lot of pain and your baby will become distressed. This only happens in around 1 out of every 200 women having a VBAC.

To make sure we spot anything going wrong we will:

The rates of successfully having a vaginal birth are:

Pamphlet VBAC