Birthing and Assessment (B & A) | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

Slow Growth in your Baby

You may be asked to come to B & A to see one of the doctors because your baby is small. Sometimes you will see a doctor for the same reason in one of the antenatal clinics.

Some babies do not grow as well as we would expect for your build and ethnicity. A lot of work has gone into software that lets us make a grow chart which tells us the average size for you. Using this we can see how your baby is growing.

When a baby is not growing well this is called ‘intrauterine growth restriction’.

This can be caused by:

Having screening tests (link) and an anatomy scan around 20 weeks can help tell if there is a problem with baby. After that further scans may be advised (link to OGUS).

If there does not seem to be a problem with the baby then the placenta is the likely cause. There are a number of reasons why this happens:

If you have had a small baby before you have a higher chance of another unless you have changed something e.g. stopped smoking. We give some women a simple aspirin tablet each day from around 10 weeks of pregnancy until 36 weeks as studies have shown it helps the placenta supply the baby and encourage growth. You may be sent a prescription in the post. Booking late may mean you miss out on the chance to take this.

If we find that your baby is small, you will need to have more checks and scans. This is so that we can check that baby is:

There may come a point when all is not well and it is time for your baby to be born. This would mean we would either induce (link) your labour or perform a caesarean. This can happen before your due date.

If your baby is less than 34 weeks we would try to give you steroids before baby is born. See Premature Labour and Birth.