Child Health Services | Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) | Te Whatu Ora

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Phone 0800 696 439

Children's Ward

Ward 2 is a 22 bed general paediatric ward providing care for medical, orthopaedic and surgical patients. The ward cares for children from birth through to < 16 years of age.


To work in partnership to empower whānau for healthy tamariki, improving inequalities by reducing barriers.

Our mission is to ensure:

All whānau experience a safe journey while in hospital, are connected to primary care providers, are educated and empowered to maintain whānau health, are informed and assisted to access support available.

The patients are mainly admitted via the Emergency Department or the Paediatric Acute Assessment Unit. The Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) is a 4 bed unit based at the entry to Ward 2. Referrals to the ward are accepted from GPs, Midwives, Public Health Nurses and other community based health agencies. AAU is only open during the winter months.

Ward 2 play specialists are available Monday to Friday to support children during their stay in hospital. The ward also has a well-resourced playroom.

The paediatricians working within the service hold outpatient clinics based at the Child Health Centre in Whangārei and at Northland DHB’s regional hospitals.

The day to day running of the ward is supported by a clinical nurse manager, associate clinical nurse manager and a clinical nurse educator; Monday to Friday from 8.00am-4.30pm. The nursing team are rostered over three shifts and are supported by a multi-disciplinary team including: ward clerks, play specialists, social workers, dietitians, speech language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and Takawaenga (Māori health liaison). Chaplains are also available on request.

The ward has the facilities for one caregiver to stay while their child is in hospital. The caregiver is allocated a lay z boy chair to sleep on and is provided with three meals per day. The caregiver is encouraged to be with their child during their hospital stay as this helps provide a more positive experience for the child.

The team work closely with the Child Health Community Nursing team and other health agencies. When a child is discharged the team may refer them to a paediatric community nurse for follow up in their own home. At times a child may be asked to return for follow up in the ward or Acute Assessment Unit.


Level 2, Whangārei Hospital
Ph: 09 430 4100 ext 8151