Dr Megan Cornere - Respiratory Physician

Contact Details

Phone (09) 929 1111
Email admin@nsms.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: respmedm

available for urgent referrals

Chronic Cough

Chronic cough is a common and distressing symptom which is defined as a cough lasting more than 8 weeks.  It is surprisingly common.

Cough is a defensive reflex with elements of voluntary control which, if persistent, may signal a problem in the respiratory system.

At the initial assessment for cough we need to elicit any alarm symptoms that may indicate a serious underlying cause and identify  whether there is a specific disease present that is associated with chronic cough.  Non specific cough suppressant therapy offers little benefit in managing persistent cough.

Alarm symptoms include:

 A comprehensive history, examination and appropriate investigations will identify the cause in 95% of people.
