Dr Paul Le Grice - Auckland Skin & Laser Centre

Contact Details

Phone (09) 520 3200
Healthlink EDI: stjonsmt

Email Address mail@skinlaser.co.nz

Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are a sign of aging skin; there’s no way to entirely avoid them. As we grow older, our skin becomes thinner and drier. However, this process is sped up by chronic exposure to the sun.


Facial skin lines and wrinkles can be prevented by instituting a good skin care and sunscreen programme in consultation with our expert cosmetic nurse.

Where these lines are already causing problems, they can be softened by the expert use of skin fillers, replacing natural skin constituents which have diminished over time. The use of neuromodulation (Botox / Dysport) to prevent active facial muscles from imbedding lines into facial skin is an important aspect of treating facial skin lines and wrinkles. Deeper lines may require gentle and progressive treatment with fractional laser or more dramatic skin resurfacing and tightening with erbium laser.
