Anaesthesia | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai | Te Whatu Ora

Street Address

Anaesthesia services are provided wherever surgery is taking place. We service the Auckland City Hospital at both:

Auckland City Hospital
2 Park Road
Auckland 1023


Greenlane Clinical Centre
214 Greenlane Road West
Auckland 1051

Anaesthetic Assessment/Follow-Up Clinics are held at:

Reception B
Ground Floor
Building 4
Greenlane Clinical Centre

Contact Details

Adult, Emergency Anaesthesia Department Secretary: (09) 307 4949 Extension 25690

Cardiac and ORL Anaesthesia Department Secretary: (09) 307 4949 Extension 23973

Greenlane Surgical Unit Anaesthesia Team Support: (09) 307 4949 Extension 28413

Starship Children's Anaesthesia Department Secretary: (09) 307 4949 Extension 24400

Women's Health Anaesthesia Department Secretary: (09) 307 4949 Extension 25026

Labour pain relief information session at Women's Health (09) 307 4949 Extension 23781

Anaesthetic Assessment and Follow-Up Clinic (Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm)
Appointment Queries - Phone (09) 307 4949 Extension 26750
Nurse Specialist Coordinator 021982613

Local Anaesthesia

Local anaesthetic is introduced directly around the area to have surgery and the site goes numb.  Only relatively small areas can be numbed up like this; therefore the limb or area of the body outside of the local anaesthetic retains all its functions.  There may still be movement and pressure sensations; but enough local anaesthetic can be given such that no pain is felt.  This type of anaesthesia is usually supplied by the surgeon doing the surgery.