Starship Paediatric Radiology

Street Address

Level One
Starship Hospital
Auckland 1023

Postal Address

Department of Paediatric Radiology
Starship Children's Health
Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Contact Details

Phone (09) 307 2836 - Reception

Plain Radiographs/X-rays

CXR        Chest Radiographs (x-ray)

We usually obtain two views of the chest while the child is sitting or standing. If the child is too young or ill to stand, we lie the child down on the table. The arms are held out of the way of the chest and the image is taken when the baby or child has taken a deep breath. The parent or caregiver, wearing a lead apron, may need to hold the child in position while the images are acquired.

No preparation is needed prior to this examination.

AXR or KUB    Abdominal Radiograph(s) (x-ray)

This may consist of one view of the abdomen while the child is lying supine on the x-ray table, or two views, depending on the clinical situation. The second view is taken while the child is lying on his or her left side or while the child is standing. Rarely a third view, with the child lying prone, is necessary. KUB refers to kidneys, ureters and bladder and is a term left over from the early days of radiology.

No preparation is needed prior to this examination.

SXR        Skull Radiographs (x-ray)

Three films of the skull are taken while the child is lying on the x-ray table. Depending on the child's problem, special views may be needed. The skull is a sphere with lots of complex bony anatomy so getting the right angle for the diagnosis is often a challenging task for the radiographer.

No preparation is needed prior to this examination.

Extremities: Arms and Legs (x-ray)

When there is concern about a fractured (broken) bone, or other problem of bone, the bone or joint or area is noted on the requisition. The radiographer will check to make sure that the requisition has been written correctly and confirm which part of the leg or arm has been injured or causing symptoms.

No preparation is needed prior to this examination.