Harbour Surgery Centre

Postal Address

212 Wairau Road
Wairau Valley
Auckland 0627

Contact Details

Phone (09) 440 9930
Email info@harboursurgery.co.nz (general enquiries)
Healthlink EDI: harbasur

Contact us online here

Stomach Surgery

Stomach surgery (AKA Gastric resection/ Gastrectomy) may be necessary for cancerous (e.g. stomach cancer) or non-cancerous problems. This is major surgery with important implications for digestive health and long term recovery. Most patients are in hospital for a week and need close nutritional monitoring both in and out of hospital. Our team will recommend gastrectomy when necessary and liaise with the patient's GP and oncologist to ensure ongoing care. Surgery is often done via laparoscopic or robotic approaches.

Please note that Harbour Surgery Centre does not perform gastric surgery for weight loss such as gastric band or bypass surgery but can recommend colleagues who specialise in this area.
