Mr Zachary Moaveni - Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgeon

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Phone (09) 520 3940
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Face Lift and Neck Lift

A face lift can include several different procedures such as a neck lift and/or a brow lift, all designed to reduce lines and wrinkles and lift sagging skin.
Modern advances in facelift surgery have been immense. We now understand that in order to obtain natural and long-lasting results, the deeper layers of the face need to be re-positioned. A good facelift is a 3-dimensional sculpting procedure, rather than a 2-dimensional pulling or tightening procedure. And it’s essential that your surgeon is an expert at Deep Plane, Extended or High SMAS procedures that achieve gold-standard results.
Mr Moaveni's aesthetic surgery practice is focussed specifically on Facelift, Necklift and Rhinoplasty.