Cardiology Institute

Contact Details

Phone (09) 980 6363 or 022 672 8255
Fax (09) 929 3248
Healthlink EDI: Cardinst

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GP Referrals:

  • Email:
  • Fax: (09) 929 3248
  • HealthLink EDI: cardinst
  • MedTech SR Portal: Cardiology Institute
  • Paper: Referral form in PDF


Same day ECG reporting service for GPs
Please email or fax ECG with both patient and practice details

Echocardiogram and Stress Echocardiography

Echocardiography is also referred to as cardiac ultrasound. This test is performed by a specially trained technician, and interpreted by expert imaging cardiologists. It is a test that uses high frequency sound waves to generate pictures of your heart.  During the test, you generally lie on your back; gel is applied to your skin to increase the conductivity of the ultrasound waves. The test is painless and usually takes 30 minutes.
The machine then analyses the information and develops images of your heart. These images are seen on a monitor. This is referred to as an echocardiogram.
Echocardiography can help in the diagnosis of many heart problems including cardiovascular disease, previous heart attacks, valve disorders, weakened heart muscle, holes between heart chambers, fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion).
If doctors are looking for evidence of coronary artery disease, we may combine the ultrasound with some stress testing:



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