Community Services - Adult | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai | Te Whatu Ora

Contact Details

Phone 0800 631 1234


Physiotherapists are based in the community and provide care to adults who are homebound and unable to attend any other physiotherapy clinic. Physiotherapists are experts in movement and function. Our service involves assessment, rehabilitation and education. Our aim is to work with you, to achieve optimal physical function in the home.

Adult Community Physiotherapy is unable to provide services for clients who are registered for their conditions with ACC.


What to expect

Physiotherapists are trained to help you reach an improved physical activity level and quality of life. We have emphasis on teaching you self-management skills, rather than interventions that are dependent on the physiotherapist. By providing you with knowledge, advice and support we can help you to understand and manage your condition.


Our physiotherapy assessment with you will involve asking questions followed by specific physical testing. We work closely with other health providers and agencies outside of ADHB .

You will to be notified by letter if there is an interval before your initial assessment can be scheduled as all our referrals are prioritised in terms of urgency.


How to access the service

 Referral from your health care provider is required.


Contact Details

Phone: 0800 631 1234