Renal Satellite Unit | Lakes | Te Whatu Ora

Postal Address

Rotorua Hospital
Private Bag 3023
Rotorua Mail Centre
Rotorua 3046

Contact Details

Phone (07) 343 7785
Fax (07) 343 7784
Mobile 027 768 1955

  • Clinical Specialty Nurses

    Ext 7864

  • Clinical Nurse Manager

    Ext 8698

  • Nurses' Station

    Ext 7785


Haemodialysis involves the use of a machine, which pumps the blood in a circuit from the body through an artificial kidney, and back to the body. As the blood goes through the artificial kidney the waste products move across a membrane and the waste products and fluid are removed from the blood. 

A dialysis session takes between four to six hours, and is usually required three times each week.