Radiology | Lakes | Te Whatu Ora


X-rays are available at Rotorua and Taupō hospitals.

An x-ray is a high frequency, high energy wave form. It cannot be seen with the naked eye but can be picked up on Digital X-ray detectors. Although you may think of an x-ray as a picture of bones, a trained observer can also see air spaces, like the lungs (which look black) and fluid (which looks white, but not as white as bones).

What to expect?
You may be required to change into a hospital gown for certain X-ray procedures. You will be asked to remain still in a specific position and hold your breath if required. There are staff present, but they will not  remain in the room, they will be viewing the procedure constantly through a windowed control room. The examination time will vary depending on the type of procedure required, but as a rule it will take between 15-30 minutes.