Dr Paul Le Grice - Auckland Skin & Laser Centre

Contact Details

Phone (09) 520 3200
Healthlink EDI: stjonsmt

Email Address mail@skinlaser.co.nz

Clear + Brilliant Laser Treatment

What is a ‘Clear + Brilliant’ laser?

A Clear + Brilliant laser delivers minute spots of laser light to the skin surface in such a way as to deliver a matrix of minute treatment ‘dots’ with all of the skin between the dots left untreated.  Under a microscope, the effect looks something like this:


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What is the advantage of a Clear + Brilliant laser treatment?

Skin treated with a Clear + Brilliant laser heals very quickly.   Typically healing of the dots of treated skin takes one day and results in no ‘down time’ during the healing process.

Because such a minute amount of the skin surface is treated, there is a much-reduced risk of side effects from treatment, such as redness, pigmentation and infection.


What is the Clear + Brilliant laser useful for?

It is very effective in providing a gentle rejuvenating effect on skin without the down time of a more dramatic laser skin resurfacing procedure.  It is also very effective in improving tone and texture of the skin.


Is more than one treatment required?

A series of four treatments is recommended, with treatments spaced at least two weeks apart.

Many people choose to have periodic maintenance treatments to help minimise the ongoing effects of skin aging.


Is Clear + Brilliant laser treatment painful?

There can be slight to moderate pain.  This will be managed by applying a topical anaesthetic cream to the face prior to the procedure.

Following the procedure, patients may experience a mild ‘sunburn-like’ sensation on the treated skin, for several hours.


Will my skin be bandaged after the procedure?

There is no need for dressings after the procedure.   Make up can usually be applied the following day.  We do recommend oil-free make up.  Please do not use retinoic acid creams on your face skin during your treatment programme. 


What is the healing process like?

Initially the treatment site will feel hot, like sunburn.  The face will initially be pink, and will feel tight and dry.  Patients are asked to avoid sun exposure and use good sunscreen.  To assist the skin's rapid recovery, a skincare kit is available to purchase if desired.


What possible unwanted side effects can occur?

There is a very small risk of skin infection, so we ask you to wash your hands before touching your face.  Individuals who regularly suffer from herpes cold sores should take preventative medication to prevent an outbreak during healing.

Rarely, the pinkness of the healing skin can be prolonged and in individuals who tan more readily or have an olive or darker complexion, there is a small risk of the healing skin darkening.  This side effect can be treated with special ‘fading’ creams.  Thick scarring of the treatment sites is very rare with Clear + Brilliant laser treatment.
