Eye Centre Primecare

Postal Address

Eye Centre Primecare
PO Box 8122
Whangarei 0145

Contact Details

Phone (09) 972 7022 or 0800 11 00 30
Fax (09) 972 7026
Email PCeyes@xtra.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: hendalzw


Eylea is a type of anti-VEGF drug known as a fusion protein and is directly injected into the eye to treat wet AMD. Eylea targets VEGF, as well as another protein called Placental Growth Factor (PlGF), which has also been found in excessive amounts in the retina of people with wet AMD. After an initial 3 monthly injections, further injections of Eylea every other month show comparable effectiveness with monthly injections of Lucentis.

Clinical trials of about 2,400 people with wet AMD compared monthly injections of Lucentis with injections of Eylea given monthly for three months, and then given every other month. After one year of treatment, bimonthly Eylea was shown to improve or maintain vision in AMD patients at a level comparable to monthly Lucentis. The safety of both drugs was also comparable. Overall, patients who were given Eylea needed fewer injections to achieve the same effectiveness as monthly injections of Lucentis.

Eylea medication is now funded for wet macula degeneration and diabetic retinopathy by the goverment but only if you meet the funding criteria.
