Ali Bayan - Orthopaedic Surgeon North Shore

Postal Address

Mr Ali Bayan
PO Box 101-488
North Shore City 0745

Contact Details

Phone (09) 486 6905
Fax (09) 441 2741
Healthlink EDI: alibayan

Soft Tissue (Muscles, Tendons and Ligaments)

Both trauma and degenerative wear and tear may result in tendon problems that may require surgery.

Ligaments are specialised soft tissue structures that surround and stabilise joints. Ligaments may be injured as a result of excessive force subjected to the joint as in accidents or sporting injuries. Not all ligament injuries require surgical operation; treatment may include resting, splint or cast immobilisation and anti-inflammatories. Certain ligament injuries will require surgical repair.

Most of these procedures involve some sort of splintage after the surgery followed by a period of rehabilitation, normally supervised by a physiotherapist.