Auckland Vascular & Varicose Vein Clinic - Dr Peter Vann

Street Address

Level 2
Ascot Integrated Hospital
90 Green Lane East

Postal Address

Dr Peter Vann
Auckland Vascular Surgery
PO Box 12 8347
Auckland 1541

Contact Details

Phone (09) 520 9543
Fax 0800 4 VASCULAR (0800 4 82728)
Mobile 021 337743
Healthlink EDI: vascvann

Direct line (09) 520 9543 (PA) 

Any urgent referrals contact my PA      09 5209543

eReferrals via Healthlink and Medtech  EDI: VASCVANN

Carotid Artery Disease

You have two carotid arteries, one on either side of your neck, that supply blood to your brain. Carotid artery disease occurs if these arteries become narrowed due to atherosclerosis (a build up of fat and cholesterol deposits on the inner walls of the vessels). If a clot forms in one of the carotid arteries and reduces or stops the flow of blood to part of your brain, it may cause a stroke.
You have an increased risk of developing carotid artery disease if you:
·        have a family history of atherosclerosis
·        smoke
·        have high blood pressure (hypertension)
·        have diabetes
·        have coronary artery disease.
Treatment may involve lifestyle changes e.g. stopping smoking, exercising more, dietary changes and/or medication. If there is severe narrowing of the arteries, treatment may involve surgery.