David Merrilees - Urologist

Contact Details

Phone (09) 623 4783 (PA Kerry)
Fax (09) 638 4687
Mobile 021 938 782
Email admin@keyholesurgery.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: lapurodm

Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

A Radical Prostatectomy involves removing the prostate and seminal vesicles to treat localised prostate cancer. Traditionally this is performed through a cut in the lower abdomen.
A laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is performed through five key hole incisions in the lower abdomen under a general anaesthetic. The key hole approach to this surgery means that there is less bleeding, less post-operative pain and a rapid return to normal activities. A catheter tube drains the urine from the bladder into a bag for 10-14 days. This tube is removed in the rooms after discharge. Hospital stay is typically 1-2 days and you need to avoid heavy lifting for six weeks to allow the wounds to heal. Return to work is variable and depends on occupation and how physical your job is. If your job is sedentary you may return to work after two weeks.
The magnification during surgery also means that a precise nerve sparing procedure can be performed, when appropriate, to preserve erections after surgery. Results for potency are, however, surgeon dependent and you do need to ask your surgeon what his/her results are for erections after surgery.

Regardless of how a radical prostatectomy (open or laparoscopic) is performed there is a risk of incontinence (5%) that persists beyond three months and impotence (30%). It is worth noting that every man can be helped to have an erection after surgery using a variety of methods that you can discuss with your surgeon.

A laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is a good alternative to a robotic prostatectomy if your insurers will not fund a robotic procedure.

3D laparoscopy has been a major advance in the last three years giving superb vision and depth perception for laparoscopic surgery.

For Southern Cross members David Merrilees performs this procedure as an Affiliated Provider with a fixed cost.
