Remuera Surgical Care

Postal Address

PO Box 99051
Newmarket 1049

Contact Details

Phone (09) 522 5102
Fax (09) 522 5105
Mobile 021 888118

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery) is a procedure which improves the appearance of upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. The aim of the procedure is to give a more youthful and restful appearance.

Blepharoplasty procedures are performed in adult men and women who have excess or laxity in the skin, fat or muscle bulk in the upper eyelid, lower eyelid or both. The excess / laxity in the eyelid tissues can result in bags in the lower eyelid, droopy lower eyelids, overhanging skin or puffiness (due to excess fatty deposits) in the upper eyelids.

An incision is made on the eyelid (upper and/or lower) within the natural creases to give you the best natural result. The excess tissues are then removed/repositioned to give you a more youthful and rested appearance.