Mr Zachary Moaveni - Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgeon

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Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Human ears come in an incredible assortment of sizes and shapes. One of the more common forms is that of prominent ears, which of course is just a variant of normal. The ears are not actually "large" but the cartilage fails to fold properly during development so that the side of the head is too far from the margin of the ear. A frequent reason for requesting surgery may be that children are teased by their peers, and in adults it is common to hear them say "I've always thought about having it done".

The aim of Otoplasty surgery is to change the cartilage into a more aesthetic shape and relationship to the side of the head. From a technical point of view, this surgery can be carried out once the cartilage is strong enough to maintain its new contour, generally after 5 years of age.