Sanket (Sunny) Srinivasa – General & HPB/Upper GI Surgeon

Postal Address

Harbour Surgery Centre
Level 1 Northern Clinic
Southern Cross North Harbour Campus
212 Wairau Road
Wairau Valley
Auckland 0627

Contact Details

Phone (09) 440 9930
Healthlink EDI: harbasur

Contact us online here

Surgery for Reflux / Fundoplication

Reflux or heartburn can be troubling. It is often caused due to stomach acid irritating the oesophagus and contributing factors can include a hiatus hernia where part of the stomach may be in the chest. If reflux isn't managed by lifestyle measures or medications, surgery can be considered. Reflux surgery (AKA fundoplication) involves wrapping the stomach around the lower oesophagus to create a tighter junction between the oesophagus and stomach and decreasing the likelihood of acid irritation. Surgery is only recommended after reflux is diagnosed using investigations such as endoscopy (a camera test to look at the oesophagus and stomach). Surgery is usually done laparoscopically and most patients are in hospital for 1-2 days. Dr Srinivasa will recommend reflux surgery after careful consultation and investigation if necessary.