Rebecca Hockey



Rodney Coast Midwives


Midwifery, New Zealand, 10 March 2000


Years of practice: over 16 years.

Philosophy of care: my aim is to work in full partnership with women on their journey to motherhood. I do this by creating an environment and relationship that is supportive, informative and safe and I support and encourage the use of natural therapies. I work in a practice where all the midwives have the same philosophy of care.

Back up midwife: Lynden Shanahan

Birth facilities attended: home births, North Shore Hospital and Birthcare.

General: I wanted to be a midwife from an early age and since qualifying as a midwife 16 years ago I am still in love with my vocation.  Having worked in both England and New Zealand I have gained a wealth of experience including hospital and community based care covering the full spectrum from high-risk to home births.

Registration Date

10 March 2000