Centre for Advanced MRI (CAMRI)

Street Address

85 Park Road
Basement Level
Building 501
University of Auckland
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

Postal Address

Centre for Advanced MRI
c/- The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142

Contact Details

Phone (09) 303 5966
Email mri@auckland.ac.nz

Paediatric (General Anaesthetic and non General Anaesthetic)

Expecting a child to remain still whilst in a noisy environment, can be challenging for our younger patients, and it can be difficult to ensure no movement occurs during the MRI scan. Movement during an MRI scan can result in images needing to be repeated, essentially resulting in more time spent in the scanner. Therefore, we recommend an initial appointment to our mock scanner, so that our younger patients can become acclimatised to this, ensuring that their MRI appointment runs efficiently. While some children may be able to accommodate these requirements, others will require a general anaesthetic to enable the best images to be acquired.

CAMRI is one of the few MRI facilities in New Zealand fully equipped with general anaesthesia and resuscitation equipment. Our team of consultant anaesthetists, technicians and recovery nurse are fully registered. Their extensive experience enables us to offer the best possible care for your child.

For children that are comfortable and relaxed in the MRI scanner, we are able to offer a movie to watch or a story to listen to during the scan.
