KM Surgical & Dermatology Associates

Postal Address

Avenue Health
Ground Floor
202 Bealey Ave

Contact Details

Phone (03) 379 9467 or (03) 377 1010 or freephone 0800 LIPO 4 U
Healthlink EDI: Macdondp

Platelet Rich Plasma

Introducing a Revolutionary Skin Treatment!

The use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is not new; it has long been recognised for its accelerated wound healing properties in such applications as surgery and sports injuries.  This technology is now being used for cosmetic enhancement with outstanding results.

What is PRP?
The latest technology in skin rejuvenation, uses your own cells derived from your blood, these are then reinjected into the skin to stimulate collagen and new skin cells.

Where does the PRP come from?
Your blood is rich in these red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma.  We only use the plasma portion of your blood.  Then a special process is used to obtain the PRP.  You only receive treatment with your own cells.

What can I expect?
A vibrant, fresh youthful skin and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles; due to the new collagen formation.  At KM Surgical our Registered Nurses will give you a complimentary consultation and give you details on how effective this treatment will be, and how many treatments you may require.

Results take around 2-3 weeks to see and a series of three treatments is recommended.  Your skin should still continue to improve with time following your treatment programme.

Is PRP safe?
PRP is 100% your own cells (autologous) and therefore there is no risk of allergy, or rejection.  PRP is inherently safe.

How long does PRP last?
After 2-3 initial treatments, a repeat treatment should be done within two years.

How long does the treatment take?
Approximately 45 minutes per 2-4 tubes.

Who are not suitable candidates for PRP?
People with chronic disease, cancer and poor platelet count.

PRP treatment is ideal for:

- Crepey neck
- Eye area
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Textural improvement
- Dull dry skin
- Backs of hands
- Full face rejuvenation
- Decolletage
- Other body areas
- Hair loss