Endocrinology Service | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai | Te Whatu Ora

Contact Details

Phone (09) 307 4949 Extn 26856 Team Support
Email Endocrinologyadmin@adhb.govt.nz


  • Appointment Enquiries - (09) 307 4949
    • Ext 26460 - Thyroid/Endo/Bone Clinic Scheduler

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland in the base of the brain controls most of the other endocrine systems.  When disorders occur in this gland a variety of problems can appear.  If your GP thinks you have problems in this area, usually suggested by blood tests, they may refer you to an endocrinologist.

If a pituitary gland swelling (= adenoma ) is identified, surgical removal may be advised. An outline of the location of the pituitary gland, the general nature of surgery and the possible hormone deficiencies that may require treatment are outlined in the following document. Please click on the link My Pituitary Gland.
http://www.endocrine.niddk.nih.gov/info/index.htm useful link to various pituitary and other endocrine disorders.
