Dr Jan Sinclair - Paediatric Allergist

Contact Details

Phone (09) 869 3870
Healthlink EDI: challimm

Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever

Allergic rhinitis occurs when there is inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa) due to an allergen. The commonest allergens causing allergic rhinitis in New Zealand are dust mite, pets and grasses.  Sometimes rhinitis can be caused by other things, with the other very common cause in children being viral infection. 

Where allergy is the most likely cause of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen can be indentified by allergy tests (most often skin tests), which helps you know what things it may be useful to try and avoid.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis generally involves avoidance of the responsible allergen if possible, and the use of medications such as nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines to control symptoms.   
