Renal | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

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Renal Failure

End stage renal disease (ESRD) has many causes but no cure.  When almost all kidney function is lost, one of the existing treatment types must be used to maintain life.  Specialist input from a skilled physician (renal physician, also called nephrologist) is necessary. Regular blood tests and urine tests are necessary to see how fast your kidney problem is progressing. The renal physician will look at many issues, like your fluid balance, the concentration of waste products in your body and the influence of renal disease on many of your body's functions such as blood pressure and your bones, to name a few. Together with the renal physician you will discuss when the moment has come to seriously think about one of the dialysis options, as mentioned above. He/she will then refer you to a predialysis educator. This is a nurse with special skills who will discuss with you the options that there are in dialysis, looking at your specific situation.  Discuss any problems connected with a type of treatment with your healthcare team and choose the best type for you and your medical condition.  Later, when you have been on dialysis for some time, or the transplanted kidney no longer works, you may decide to use another type of treatment e.g. you may start on peritoneal dialysis (PD) and then switch to haemodialysis (HD) in the unit or at home.

For Information about Home Dialysis, click here: