Dr Paul Le Grice - Auckland Skin & Laser Centre

Contact Details

Phone (09) 520 3200
Healthlink EDI: stjonsmt

Email Address mail@skinlaser.co.nz


Acne is a skin disorder that is characterised by pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and, in bad cases, cysts (deeper lumps).  Acne usually starts at puberty and is in response to our body’s production of hormones, called androgens. These hormones cause the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands in the skin) to get bigger and produce more oil. The extra oil (sebum) mixes with dead skin cells and naturally occurring bacteria on the surface of the skin and blocks pores.  Once a pore is blocked the bacteria multiply and cause inflammation, which produces the characteristic signs of acne.
Acne commonly occurs on the face, neck, back and chest.  Acne can lead to permanent scarring.
Other causes of acne may include:
Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne.
Adult Acne occurs in about 30% of people at some stage in their adult life.  It is thought that adult acne also has some hormonal influences.
Acne Roseaca is similar to acne vulgaris, with oily skin and spots, but also has flushing or redness of the skin in the affected area.  The flush may be set off by certain spicy food or alcohol.


Mild acne can be treated with prescription ‘rub on’ products designed to release the blocked pores and fight infection. More severe acne may require antibiotic tablets. Women may find that taking a special type of oral contraceptive pill is helpful. People with severe acne often benefit from a course of a special vitamin A derivative medication known as isotretinoin, which would be prescribed by Dr Le Grice.

A series of gentle fruit acid skin peels combined with a special skin care programme designed for acne-affected skin will often clear or control acne without the need to resort to prescribed medication. Some people may find that a series of gentle pulsed dye laser treatments is all that is required to keep their acne under control.
