Dr Michael Davison - Otolaryngologist

Postal Address

17 Shea Terrace, Takapuna 0622

Contact Details

Phone (09) 489 1351
Email Reception: admin@shoreent.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: mdavison


Rhinitis is the inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa). The most common symptoms are a blocked, runny and itchy nose.
Rhinitis can be:
In the case of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen (the thing that you are allergic to) may be identified by skin prick tests. This involves placing a drop of the allergen on your skin and then scratching your skin through the drop. If you are allergic, your skin will become red and swollen at the site.

The management of allergic rhinitis has four modalities: avoidance, medication, surgery and immunotherapy.  The treatment requirements of an individual allergy sufferer vary but often more than one modality is required. 
