Mr Gordon Burgess - Foot & Ankle Orthopaedic Surgeon

Contact Details

Phone (03) 968 3450
Fax (03) 968 3127
Healthlink EDI: burgorth

Urgent appointments available.

Orthopaedic Deformities

Orthopaedic deformities can be congenital or acquired as the result of injury, infection or tumour. Resulting in crooked limbs or discrepancies in limb length, such deformities can affect appearance and function and can often cause significant pain.
Osteotomy is the division of a crooked or bent bone to improve alignment of the limb. These procedures normally involve some form of internal fixation, such as rods or plates, or external fixation which involves external wires and pins to hold the bone. The type of procedure for fixation will be explained when the surgery is planned.

Some of the more common orthopaedic deformities are: