  • Pacific People
  • Allied Health
  • Eye Care Providers
  • Immunisation
  • Community Health and Social Services
  • Specialised Primary Health Care
  • Public Hospital Services
  • Pharmacy
  • Dentistry
  • Mental Health & Addictions
  • GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care
  • Aged Residential Care
  • Kaupapa Māori
  • Private Hospitals & Specialists
  • COVID-19 Testing
  • COVID-19 Vaccination and Boosters
  • Maternity Services
  • COVID-19 Testing (including services that have selected "Not provided")

Immunisation in Maungatapere, Northland

Pregnancy vaccinations help protect you and your baby/pēpi. These include the flu and whooping cough vaccines.

The Childhood Immunisation Programme includes a series of vaccinations for your child to protect them from illness and set them up for a healthy future. See the National Immunisation Schedule here, including the vaccines and when your child needs them.

The flu vaccine protects against seasonal flu. The flu vaccine is available from 1 April each year, before winter starts. From then these services offer flu vaccinations for adults.

The flu vaccine protects against seasonal flu. The flu vaccine is available from 1 April each year, before winter starts. From then these services offer flu vaccinations for children.

The MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps and rubella.