Franklin Midwives

Birthing Facilities Midwife/s Attend

Counties Manukau Health - Middlemore Hospital

Click on the following link for more information on Counties Manukau Health - Middlemore Hospital.

Our group provide care for women if they need to continue labour and birth at Middlemore or if, for obstetric/medical reasons this is the safest birth location for them. There are times when we will need to hand over this care to our Counties Manukau Midwives such as if we have minimal numbers of midwives on duty, if we have a home birth labouring as this requires 2 midwives or if a labour is very long or complex. When you go to Middlemore there are other midwives but if you are birthing at home or a primary unit the responsibility is completely with us.

Some women choose to go to Middlemore for birth and this is currently a choice. But we would encourage you to look at the primary care options as for low risk mothers and babies it is just as safe.