Central Auckland, East Auckland, South Auckland > Maternity Services > Self-employed Midwives >
Lisa Tattley - Midwife
Midwifery Service
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
I trained at Auckland University of Technology, graduating in 2005. I have had many years of midwifery practice. As an experienced midwife I provide kind, supportive and informative care to help women experience a safe pregnancy and birth.
I am a midwife who believes that pregnancy and childbirth is a normal life event for women. I totally support women to be as healthy as possible so that they can enjoy a straightforward experience.
I will be there with the woman throughout the normal physiological journey with an emphasis on healthy diet and lifestyle, and with me giving you as much support and information as needed. You can be reassured your goals are mine.
If the pregnancy takes a change and needs the Medical Obstetric Team at Auckland City Hospital I will ensure that you are seen appropriately and in a timely manner.
I cover a large area from Panmure, Glen Innes, Mt Wellington, Pakuranga, Howick, Botany and South Auckland. I conduct deliveries at Auckland City Hospital and Birthcare in Parnell. My back up Midwife is Penelope Harrison
Please click here to read more.
Elisabeth Tattley
How do I access this service?
Contact us
If you would like to get a feel for whether I am going to be the best midwife for you, please email me at lisatattley67@gmail.com.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM |
Please contact me by email.
Languages Spoken
Birthing Facilities Midwife/s Attend
Auckland DHB Labour and Birthing Suite
Click on the following link for more information on Auckland DHB Labour and Birthing Suite.
Services Provided
Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi.
Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi.
Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi.
Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website.
Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website.
Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website.
Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby. After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre from 1-3 days depending on how they feel and how feeding is going for the baby. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after the birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.
Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby. After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre from 1-3 days depending on how they feel and how feeding is going for the baby. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after the birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.
Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby.
After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre from 1-3 days depending on how they feel and how feeding is going for the baby.
If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after the birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.
Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development.
Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development.
Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development.
Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years. It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register.
Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years. It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register.
Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years.
It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register.
Free off street parking is available at the practice.
Suburbs Covered by Midwifery Service
Ellerslie, Glendowie, Glen Innes, Kohimarama, Meadowbank, Mission Bay, Mount Wellington, Ōtāhuhu, Panmure, Point England, Remuera, Saint Heliers, Saint Johns, Stonefields, Beachlands, Botany Downs, Brookby, Bucklands Beach, Burswood, Clevedon, Cockle Bay, Eastern Beach, Farm Cove, Golflands, Half Moon Bay, Highland Park, Howick, Maraetai, Meadowlands, Mellons Bay, Northpark, Pakuranga, Shelly Park, Somerville, Whitford, Burswood, Chapel Downs, Clover Park, Drury, East Tāmaki, Flat Bush, Goodwood Heights, Karaka, Māngere Bridge, Māngere East, Manukau, Manurewa, Manurewa East, North Park, Papakura, Pukekohe, Richmond Park, Wattle Downs

Contact Details
Howick, Auckland
East Auckland
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Healthlink EDI
Hi there, thank you for your enquiry.
In order for me to help you can you please email me with your enquiry the following information:
- > Pregnancy details - if this is your first or subsequent pregnancy.
- > The area that your postnatal care will be done in i.e. where you live.
- > If you have had a baby before can you advise if you have had a caesarean if you want a repeat caesarean.
- > Mobile phone details and email address you wish to be contacted by.
Street Address
Postal Address
Please contact me for my postal address
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This page was last updated at 8:32PM on October 11, 2023. This information is reviewed and edited by Lisa Tattley - Midwife.