

Youth Services

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health


Nelson Marlborough, West Coast

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Please see our website for more information on referral/s.


We provide three different Youth Services:

Youth At Risk - we provide short-term one-on-one support – typically one or two sessions a week – to help the young person navigate the resources needed to achieve their own goals and aspirations, as well as helping them build confidence, develop essential life skills, and engage positively in education and vocational opportunities.

Youth Development - we provide short term one-on-one support to help a young person to complete goals that emerge from a Youth Justice Family Group Conference or Legal Order.

Mentoring - we provide longer-term one-on-one support for a Youth Justice client and/or younger siblings of Youth Justice clients.  Our youth workers provide positive guidance, encouragement, and help the young person achieve their own positive goals and aspirations.

This service is available in Nelson and the West Coast.