
Bay of Plenty > Mental Health & Addictions >

SORTED (Youth Alcohol & Other Drugs Service)

Mental Health & Addictions Service



SORTED is the youth alcohol and drugs service of the Bay of Plenty District Health Board.

If a young person (18 and under) wants to seek help or get more information about alcohol or other drug issues then we will respond, in confidence.

Reasons young people may contact SORTED include:

  • getting into trouble because of alcohol and drugs
  • using too much, too often
  • school work being affected
  • causing problems at home
  • using alcohol and drugs to cope with stress or strong feelings
  • possible dependence or health issues

or just wanting to talk about things or just find out more information.

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.

Check out these useful pages we've put together:

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

No fees apply


Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Labour Day (28 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (27 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb), Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun).

Languages Spoken



Community / Social support

What will happen if you contact us?  You will be offered an initial appointment to discuss what you would like to change or want information about. This appointment will be where you want it to be (e.g. at your course, school, home or at our office)  We will continue to meet with you and/or your family for as long as you need and want our support. Your contact with us is confidential and in most cases information will only be shared with those you give us consent to share this with.  We will talk with you and agree to a plan to support you to achieve your goals regarding your drug and alcohol use.  We can also meet with and provide information for concerned parents or caregivers if their young person does not wish to meet with us.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Community / social support (AOD)


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.


What will happen if you contact us?

You will be offered an initial appointment to discuss what you would like to change or want information about. This appointment will be where you want it to be (e.g. at your course, school, home or at our office)

We will continue to meet with you and/or your family for as long as you need and want our support. Your contact with us is confidential and in most cases information will only be shared with those you give us consent to share this with.

We will talk with you and agree to a plan to support you to achieve your goals regarding your drug and alcohol use.

We can also meet with and provide information for concerned parents or caregivers if their young person does not wish to meet with us.

Social Detox

For young people looking to stop their substance use, sometimes the first few days or even 1-2 weeks can be particularly difficult as you can experience withdrawals. Common withdrawals can include agitation, sleep problems, flu-like symptoms and mood issues. Cravings to use can last for much longer. For most young people they can get through this period of withdrawal in the community and Sorted can support you to do this. This is referred to as 'Social Detox'.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Social detox


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.


For young people looking to stop their substance use, sometimes the first few days or even 1-2 weeks can be particularly difficult as you can experience withdrawals. Common withdrawals can include agitation, sleep problems, flu-like symptoms and mood issues. Cravings to use can last for much longer. For most young people they can get through this period of withdrawal in the community and Sorted can support you to do this. This is referred to as 'Social Detox'. 

Hospital Detox

For young people looking to stop their substance use, sometimes the first few days or even 1-2 weeks can be particularly difficult as you can experience withdrawals. Common withdrawals can include agitation, sleep problems, flu-like symptoms and mood issues. Cravings to use can last for much longer. For most young people they can get through this period of withdrawal in the community but for some this can be particularly difficult and in discussion with your Sorted worker it may be agreed that a short stay in a staffed respite facility may be helpful to help you get through this. Whilst you will not actually stay in hospital this could be considered 'Residential Detox'.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Hospital (medical detox)


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.


For young people looking to stop their substance use, sometimes the first few days or even 1-2 weeks can be particularly difficult as you can experience withdrawals. Common withdrawals can include agitation, sleep problems, flu-like symptoms and mood issues. Cravings to use can last for much longer. For most young people they can get through this period of withdrawal in the community but for some this can be particularly difficult and in discussion with your Sorted worker it may be agreed that a short stay in a staffed respite facility may be helpful to help you get through this. Whilst you will not actually stay in hospital this could be considered 'Residential Detox'.

Coexisting Problems – Mental Health & Addictions

Coexisting Problems refers to the presence of both Mental Health and Substance Use problems. For a lot of young people the use of substances is in part to help cope and manage other problems they are experiencing (e.g. difficult thoughts, feelings). For some, their substance use has led to other problems with their wellbeing (e.g. low mood, anxiety). SORTED, as a service, is part of a wider service known as MICAMHS (Maternal Infant Child Adolescent Mental Health Service), and as such we are able to support young people with coexisting problems. Most of the time this still only means meeting with your SORTED worker but there are options you can be provided with to meet with others within the wider MICAMHS team (e.g. Psychologist) if this would be helpful, and only if you are willing.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Coexisting problems – mental health & addictions


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.


Coexisting Problems refers to the presence of both Mental Health and Substance Use problems. For a lot of young people the use of substances is in part to help cope and manage other problems they are experiencing (e.g. difficult thoughts, feelings). For some, their substance use has led to other problems with their wellbeing (e.g. low mood, anxiety).

SORTED, as a service, is part of a wider service known as MICAMHS (Maternal Infant Child Adolescent Mental Health Service), and as such we are able to support young people with coexisting problems. Most of the time this still only means meeting with your SORTED worker but there are options you can be provided with to meet with others within the wider MICAMHS team (e.g. Psychologist) if this would be helpful, and only if you are willing.

Advocacy/Group/Family Whanau Support

We can meet with and provide information for concerned parents or caregivers if their young person does not wish to meet with us.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD)


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.


We can meet with and provide information for concerned parents or caregivers if their young person does not wish to meet with us.

Residential Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment

For some young people who want to make changes to their substance use, doing so in their community can be very difficult, for a number of different reasons. If motivated, spending some time with a Residential Youth AOD Service can be very helpful to get substance free and learn how to maintain these changes once you return home. For some it can also provide opportunity to move on to other places and opportunities once finished the programme. BOPDHB has funding with two Youth AOD Residential Providers: Rongo Atea- A Kaupapa Maora service in Hamilton that runs a 10 week programme. Youth Odyssey- An Auckland provider with a well established history and reputation as a residential provider. There is no time limit for length of stay in this programme. More information about these services can be provided by your SORTED worker and visits to these providers can be arranged for you to find out more information if you are interested.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Residential alcohol & other drug treatment


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.


For some young people who want to make changes to their substance use, doing so in their community can be very difficult, for a number of different reasons. If motivated, spending some time with a Residential Youth AOD Service can be very helpful to get substance free and learn how to maintain these changes once you return home. For some it can also provide opportunity to move on to other places and opportunities once finished the programme. 

BOPDHB has funding with two Youth AOD Residential Providers: 

  • Rongo Atea- A Kaupapa Maora service in Hamilton that runs a 10 week programme.
  • Youth Odyssey- An Auckland provider with a well established history and reputation as a residential provider. There is no time limit for length of stay in this programme.

More information about these services can be provided by your SORTED worker and visits to these providers can be arranged for you to find out more information if you are interested.


SORTED can, and do regularly, deliver group presentations for young people such as those in Youth Guarantee courses or Alternative Education. SORTED can also provide training for other youth or interested professionals regarding Youth AOD and CEP issues as well as Problem Gaming, as well other topics on enquiry. Training can include the Substances and Choices Scale (SACS) Brief Intervention training, as endorced nationally by the Werry Centre, NZ's Youth MH and AOD workforce development service.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Training - AOD


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Anyone can approach the SORTED service. Concerned parents or caregivers of a young person using alcohol, cannabis or other substances are very welcome to contact SORTED.


SORTED can, and do regularly, deliver group presentations for young people such as those in Youth Guarantee courses or Alternative Education. 

SORTED can also provide training for other youth or interested professionals regarding Youth AOD and CEP issues as well as Problem Gaming, as well other topics on enquiry. 

Training can include the Substances and Choices Scale (SACS) Brief Intervention training, as endorced nationally by the Werry Centre, NZ's Youth MH and AOD workforce development service.

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi

Document Downloads

Contact Details

This page was last updated at 10:17AM on April 17, 2023. This information is reviewed and edited by SORTED (Youth Alcohol & Other Drugs Service).