
Bay of Plenty > Mental Health & Addictions >

Te Manu Toroa Trust - Mental Health & Addiction Services

Mental Health Service, Addiction



Te Manu Toroa Mental Health and Addictions team have a range of community services for adults and youth who are experiencing a mental health and/or addiction issue.

Our service also belongs to a collective group of other health professionals such as doctors, nurses, dentists, social workers and specialist staff we can also link you in to, to provide wrap around support to you and your whānau.

For more information on our other health services, please see the Te Manu Toroa website.

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

No fees apply


Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Languages Spoken



Early Intervention Alcohol & Other Drug Service

We offer a community and school based AOD service for youth aged between 12 – 24 years, and use a holistic approach in finding out what issues may be causing the young person to use drugs and/or alcohol. We work 1:1 with young people, where they feel more comfortable and support is tailored to their needs. The service is led by the young person, where they are able to set their own goals regarding their use (harm reduction, change, abstinence). We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Community / social support (AOD)


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

We cannot accept self-referrals.

Referrals must come via a GP, Medical Specialist, Family, School Guidance Counsellor, Police Youth Aid, Schools & Education Services, DHB clinical services, Corrections/Probation, Oranga Tamariki, Community Groups. 

If the Child/Youth Person/Young Adult meets the criteria below, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form.


We offer a community and school based AOD service for youth aged between 12 – 24 years, and use a holistic approach in finding out what issues may be causing the young person to use drugs and/or alcohol.

We work 1:1 with young people, where they feel more comfortable and support is tailored to their needs. The service is led by the young person, where they are able to set their own goals regarding their use (harm reduction, change, abstinence).

We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Community Based Alcohol & Other Drug Specialist Services

We offer adults 18 – 65 years, a community based assessment and treatment service that provides integrated care for those experiencing alcohol and other drug problems, and co-existing problems of addiction and mental health. We provide drug and alcohol treatment, therapy, support and case management (individual, group and inclusive of family and whānau). All individuals are offered interventions that are appropriate according to assessed need in relation to their drug and alcohol use, related problems and readiness for change. We expect your family GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Community / social support (AOD)


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

We cannot accept self referrals.

Referrals to this service must come via a GP, NASC, Community Mental Health, Acute Mental Health, Medical Specialist, Family, Police, Schools & Education Services, DHB clinical services, Corrections/Probation, Oranga Tamariki or Community Group. 

If the individual meets the criteria below and would like counselling for Alcohol or Other Drug issues, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form.


We offer adults 18 – 65 years, a community based assessment and treatment service that provides integrated care for those experiencing alcohol and other drug problems, and co-existing problems of addiction and mental health.

We provide drug and alcohol treatment, therapy, support and case management (individual, group and inclusive of family and whānau). All individuals are offered interventions that are appropriate according to assessed need in relation to their drug and alcohol use, related problems and readiness for change.

We expect your family GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Infant, Child, Adolescent & Youth Community Mental Health Services

The infant child and adolescent mental Health Service (iCAMHS) is a free, community service for children and adolescents up to 19 years old and their families/whānau. We provide assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with mild to moderate mental health disorders. We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Non-acute specialist mental health community services


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Referrals to this service can come via self & family referrals, GP, Medical Specialists, School Guidance Counsellors, Police Youth Aid, Schools & Education Services, DHB clinical services, Corrections/Probation, Oranga Tamariki or Community Groups.

If the Child/Youth meets the criteria below, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form.


The infant child and adolescent mental Health Service (iCAMHS) is a free, community service for children and adolescents up to 19 years old and their families/whānau.

We provide assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with mild to moderate mental health disorders.

We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Peer Support Service for Children & Youth

Peer Support is a community based service which provides support, education, information and advocacy, to a person who has, or may be developing a major mental illness or addiction. The service is youth focused and can be done in a place where the youth and their whānau feel most comfortable. Peer Support works closely with or iCAMHs clinicians who support with assessment and goal and wellness planning. We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Referrals to this service can come via self & family referrals, GP, Medical Specialists, School Guidance Counsellors, Police Youth Aid, Schools & Education Services, DHB clinical services, Corrections/Probation, Oranga Tamariki or Community Groups.

If the Child/Youth meets the criteria below, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form. Referrals to Peer Support require support and intervention from our internal iCAMHS or an external Mental Health Team.


Peer Support is a community based service which provides support, education, information and advocacy, to a person who has, or may be developing a major mental illness or addiction.

The service is youth focused and can be done in a place where the youth and their whānau feel most comfortable. Peer Support works closely with or iCAMHs clinicians who support with assessment and goal and wellness planning.

We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Whānau Support

Whānau Support is a community based service which provides support, education, information and advocacy, to the whānau of a child/youth 0-19 years, who has, or may be developing a major mental illness or addiction. Anybody can make a referral, including the young person. We get most of our referrals from GPs, family, friends, medical specialists, school guidance counsellors, Police Youth Aid, schools and education services, the Children and Young Persons and Their Families Agency, and community groups. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Mental health, Addictions - drug & alcohol

Programme Type

Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD), Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Referral to this service can come via self & family referrals, GP, Medical Specialists, School Guidance Counsellors, Police Youth Aid, Schools & Education Services, DHB clinical services, Corrections/Probation, Oranga Tamariki or Community Groups.

If the Child/Youth and their Family meets the criteria below, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form. Referrals to Whānau Support generally require support and intervention from our internal iCAMHS or an external Mental Health Team.


Whānau Support is a community based service which provides support, education, information and advocacy, to the whānau of a child/youth 0-19 years, who has, or may be developing a major mental illness or addiction.

Anybody can make a referral, including the young person. We get most of our referrals from GPs, family, friends, medical specialists, school guidance counsellors, Police Youth Aid, schools and education services, the Children and Young Persons and Their Families Agency, and community groups.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Needs Assessment Service Coordination

The Needs Assessment/Service Co-ordination Service (NASC) is a free, community service for adults aged between 18 to 65 years with suspected or diagnosed mental health condition. NASC offers access to a range of community-based resilience, recovery and support-focused services. We work with individuals and their whānau, to assess their needs and plan and co-ordinate appropriate services. Needs assessments are undertaken to identify individual strengths, supports and activities that are likely to lead to resilience and recovery outcomes for the individual and their whānau. We expect your family GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Non-acute specialist mental health community services


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Referrals to this service can come via self & family, GP, Community Mental Health, Acute Mental Health, Medical Specialists, Family, Police, Schools & Education Services, DHB clinical services, Corrections/Probation, Oranga Tamariki or Community Groups.

If the individual meets the criteria below and would like support, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form.


The Needs Assessment/Service Co-ordination Service (NASC) is a free, community service for adults aged between 18 to 65 years with suspected or diagnosed mental health condition.

NASC offers access to a range of community-based resilience, recovery and support-focused services.

We work with individuals and their whānau, to assess their needs and plan and co-ordinate appropriate services. Needs assessments are undertaken to identify individual strengths, supports and activities that are likely to lead to resilience and recovery outcomes for the individual and their whānau.

We expect your family GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Primary Mental Health Services (Adult)

Mental Health services for adults 20+ years who are registered with our PHO and are experiencing mild to moderate levels of depression/anxiety/mental health conditions, or who are actively being treated with psychotropic medication. Primary Mental Health offers a range of community-based resilience, recovery and health and wellbeing services. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Non-acute specialist mental health community services


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Individual must be registered with our PHO to access this service.

Referrals to this service can come via self & family, GP, Community Mental Health, Acute Mental Health, Medical Specialists, DHB clinical services or Community Groups.

If the individual meets the criteria below and would like support please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form.


Mental Health services for adults 20+ years who are registered with our PHO and are experiencing mild to moderate levels of depression/anxiety/mental health conditions, or who are actively being treated with psychotropic medication.

Primary Mental Health offers a range of community-based resilience, recovery and health and wellbeing services.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Primary Mental Health Services (Youth)

Early Intervention services for youth 12-19 years with suspected mental health issues, or who are actively being treated with psychotropic medication. This service is focused on early intervention for mental health, and is recovery focused. We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Non-acute specialist mental health community services


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Referral to this service can come via self & family referrals, GP, Medical Specialists, School Guidance Counsellors, Police Youth Aid, Schools & Education Services, DHB clinical services, Corrections/Probation, Oranga Tamariki or Community Groups.

Referral to Youth Primary Mental Health is not restricted by PHO enrolment.

If the youth meets the criteria below and would like support, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form.


Early Intervention services for youth 12-19 years with suspected mental health issues, or who are actively being treated with psychotropic medication.

This service is focused on early intervention for mental health, and is recovery focused.

We expect the child/adolescent's GP to be informed and involved as the primary medical caregiver, even if they did not make the original referral.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Home Based Support

The Home Based Support Service is a free community service for adults aged between 18 - 65 years old. We are a person centred service for people living with mental illness who live independently but not necessarily alone in their community. The service provides support in relation to family/whānau, community living, education, employment and self-management of their wellbeing. Home Based Support offers a range of community-based resilience, recovery and health and wellbeing services. Anybody can make a referral, including an individual or their whānau. Referrals to the service can also come from Needs Assessment/Service Co-ordination (NASC), community mental health, acute mental health inpatient services. Referrals to Home Based Support generally require support and intervention from our internal NASC or an external Mental Health Team. We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Non-acute specialist mental health community services, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

If the individual meets the criteria below and would like support, please contact the Mental Health and Addictions Team on 07 577 4911 to discuss and request a referral form.


The Home Based Support Service is a free community service for adults aged between 18 - 65 years old.

We are a person centred service for people living with mental illness who live independently but not necessarily alone in their community. The service provides support in relation to family/whānau, community living, education, employment and self-management of their wellbeing.

Home Based Support offers a range of community-based resilience, recovery and health and wellbeing services.

Anybody can make a referral, including an individual or their whānau. Referrals to the service can also come from Needs Assessment/Service Co-ordination (NASC), community mental health, acute mental health inpatient services. Referrals to Home Based Support generally require support and intervention from our internal NASC or an external Mental Health Team.

We do not accept any urgent or high risk referrals to the Te Manu Toroa Team. These need to be directed to the Crisis Team 0800 800 508.

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Child / Tamariki friendly

Contact Details

10 Tebbs Lane
Gate Pa
Tauranga 3112

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Street Address

10 Tebbs Lane
Gate Pa
Tauranga 3112

This page was last updated at 12:31PM on November 30, 2023. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Manu Toroa Trust - Mental Health & Addiction Services.